Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wrestling Singlets Nyc
Alberto Angela was invited by the local authority to preside over the opening ceremony of the archaeological site of Piazza Ferrari completed in 2007 after 18 years of work, not hiding his deep feeling for that finding. Apparently they were not words of circumstance if, after so long, returned to the topic in a publication.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How Many Combinations In A 3 Digit Lock
After long and hectic negotiations have reached a satisfactory agreement: the Grand Hotel of Rimini will not be "downgraded" to seasonal hotel and not the New Year Rai will be sabotaged. Now tell me that winter on the Riviera nothing ever happens! From
informed that action will have no place guastatrice union representatives and workers, the cops must have thought: if we can not drag anyone off the stage of direct Rai, we go up there! And threatening a strike with its own protest march on the evening of December 31.
You can not rest easy even for a moment ... there is always someone who complains! What is the tangible sign that the "crisis" is not just a word used with intent defeatist but a real situation and consolidated, that sooner or later we all must face? Apparently only in Rome are still not aware of it.
Friday, December 24, 2010
How To Tighten Cliff Keen Headgear
said that given the circumstances ... and Merry Christmas to all.
Friday, December 17, 2010
How To Repair Audex Jacket
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Create Wwe Wrestler Online Free
spoke German??
Wisconsin Badger Basketball Sayings For Signs
bibliotherapy - how to cure illness or with books (second edition), edited by the Public Library of Gambalunga Rimini.
I immediately took a liking too because, in the debates that followed the lessons of the speakers, regularly intervened with questions or comments (not always the way, actually) that removed all the embarrassing silence that follows the typical ' invitation of the organizers, "and now we make room for questions from the audience." This, at least until the day when "Mario" it is unfortunate that the product output made him lose many positions in the grid of my account.
It was a Sunday meeting with Patrizia Zappa Mulas , stage actress and writer, who would perform in a reading, ie reading aloud, on "The Haunting. An unnamed narrator."
"Mario" was sitting a few rows in front of me. Immediately behind him were two young girls, probably university students, I had seen at previous meetings. They talked among themselves in the way they talk to the girls of that age usually: loud with excitement, often overlapping and interspersed with sentences scoiattoleschi with giggles and squeaks. I can understand that someone might find them annoying but I think at that time made it lighter spirit hovering in the room due to the presence of various "mummies" and even an old in a wheelchair in the front row. And then I remembered my years in college so I was in a state of absolute tolerance.
At one time the curator of the show, he spoke for the usual introduction and presentation of the meeting host. The two girls continued to talk but turning down the volume a few notches and after less than ten seconds "Mario" has turned to a growl to them, "Enough talk! I want to follow the conference!" that left no room for replicas. Those two girls are "out" all of a sudden, as if someone had pulled the plug from the wall.
He reacted how he would react the real Mario Brega? I do not know. I doubt it could ever be at a reading of Zappa Mulas, has always seemed to me a person interested in things more concrete. But even if there is by chance, I'm sure would prove to be more good-natured and tolerant of his double Romagna. In the end it was just the introduction by the curator, not the performance actress ... My personal opinion is that certain parts of these initiatives are so rare that people do not has the opportunity to develop the self-confidence needed to enjoy them. Mind you, "Mario" was right in his tone but I sensed an underlying message, that says this is not for you, youngster, so be polite for those who are really interested! Then I found the interruption of the gentleman of that most annoying of the two girls. We should rejoice when they are young people to events like this but maybe here we are convinced that their place is in clubs, pubs , in arcades and on the football field, all "fences" where they can vent their exuberance without causing discomfort to those who have nothing better to do.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Laser Finding Bow Sight

The shepherd boy wakes up suddenly. In heaven there is a new light: a light ever seen at that hour. The young pastor is scared to leave the fold, through the woods: it is in the open field, under a beautiful sky. From above comes the singing sweet Angels.
- such peace can only come from above - think of the shepherd boy, smiling and reassured. The doggie
, unbeknownst to him, they followed him and watch him amazed.
Here come many people and everyone, quick steps, head to a cave.
- Where do you go? - Asks the shepherd.
- Do not you know? - Answers for all, a young woman. - He was born the son of God came down here to open up the gates of Heaven.
The shepherd joined the party, and he too wants to see the Son of God Suddenly, he feels troubled all bearing a gift, only he has nothing to bring to Jesus sad and upset, he returned to his sheep. It has nothing; not even a flower, what can you give when you so poor?
The boy does not know that the gift most pleasing to Jesus is his little heart good.
Ouch! The thorns prick his bare feet. Then the shepherd stops, looks at the ground and exclaims in astonishment: - Oh, a shrub even green!
is a holly tree, glossy leaves and thorny.
The choir of angels seems to be close to the earth, there is much celebration around. How can you resist the urge to run from the Holy Child, even if you have nothing to offer?
Well, the divine shepherd will go to the hut, a branch of holly will be his gift. Here
the cave. Approaches to the happy and confused smiling child who seems to expect.
But what happens? The drops of blood from his hands, wounds from thorns, they become red balls that are placed on the green branches dell'arbusto that he took for Jesus
the way back, another surprise awaits the shepherd: in the woods, among the shining leaves dell'Agrifoglio, it's all a glowing crimson berries.
Since that night of mystery, the holly is offered as a token of good wishes to your loved ones.
What Store Can I Buy Sour Jacks?
Why are candy canes are white with red stripes? According to tradition, were invented a dolciaio that he intended to create a cake that people remember Jesus. Here is what is the candy cane:
E 'made of solid caramel because Jesus is the solid rock on which our lives are built (Matt 16:18) (1Thess 5:24).
caramel gave the form of a "J" for Jesus (Jesus in English) (Acts 4:12), while for others it is the shape of a shepherd's crook, because Jesus is our Shepherd (John 10:11).
The colors were also chosen to represent the importance of Jesus: white for purity and the absence of sin in Jesus (Heb 4:15), and the large red stripe represents the blood of Christ shed for the sins the world (John 19:34-35). The three thin red stripes represent the stripes left by the lashes of the Roman soldier (Isaiah 53:5).
The flavor is peppermint stick that is similar to hyssop, an aromatic plant of the mint family used in the Old Testament for purification and sacrifice. Jesus is the pure lamb of God who came to sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Many legends tell that the tree is a tree from the garden of Eden.
One says that the tree is the tree of life whose leaves are withered needle when Eve plucked the forbidden fruit and flowers until the night that baby Jesus was born.
Another legend says Adam took a twig of the tree of good and evil with him from Eden. This later became the fir tree branch that was used for the Christmas tree and the Holy Cross.
How Long Can You Take Cipralex For?

When the crowd was gone and quiet back streets, the child heard in the distance the faint tolling of a bell from cattle. He thought perhaps that cow is located in the stable where baby Jesus was born! " and followed the bell up to the barn where the cow brought the child to the blind mangiatoita where lay the baby Jesus
Friday, December 10, 2010
12dpo Lots Of Creamy Cervical Mucus
On the pages of local newspapers I had read a writing course organized by the theater to stage a cultural association of Rimini. On the evening of the first lesson I started to shop with pen and notebook, content to devote myself to something different.
Sometimes, after work, if not particularly tired, I like to wander a bit in the car to clear your mind of distracting thoughts and changing scenario. I put a cd in the drive and I put in the endless queue of vehicles on the promenade: cars, motorcycles, scooters , bicycles and rickshaws hated. Watching people walk in and join a sort of osmosis frenetic sidewalks or while sitting at the tables outside the hotels, restaurants and bars. It 's my little movie night. On occasion I go so far that I come home later than but I do not care. Sleep is not the only way to preserve health.
The palace was the headquarters of a building of 6 floors of brand new and completely uninhabited, like many others around them. Apartments in fact closed, sealed, waiting to open its doors to tenants during the summer.
Under the bells, all marked by a number, stood the one with the custom label: Arteficio - ASD . I found it very unusual. They had even a football team?
I noticed a side entrance lights, which can be accessed with a short flight of steps, with the name of the on glass and aluminum door and I got no direct without sounding bell. In the small lobby, to the opposite sides of a reception desk, two girls talking. I said to be there for the course writing stage and the girl behind the counter made me fill out a form and that other one is presented as Clare, a collaborator of the course and a psychologist. She had ice blue eyes and one of those languid expressions that make you squirm in your clothes. They invited me to wait a few minutes, so the room was free. In fact I felt the music and exhortations from another room, down a short hallway.
Shortly after they arrived in dribs and drabs the other course participants and two instructors: Albert and Clare company Korekanè (for convenience I will indicate the instructor as Chiara1 from now on, to distinguish it from 'haunting Chiara2 collaborator).
few minutes later the music ceased and the corridor arrived disheveled and hot three girls who greeted everyone as they went out wearing coats over the body and leggings. I remember thinking, however, are busy in this association! The turnout is not quite a record, but just for this, so hats off to those who are striving to create these initiatives.
I headed for the room and as soon as I had a moment of bewilderment. In the room there were neither tables nor chairs: it was a unique, completely clear, with a polished parquet floor and walls covered with mirrors, with a handle that ran around the perimeter of one meter from the ground. I felt a slight tingling at back of neck, which quickly went back to the nape. I went back suspected of having the wrong room. In fact there was no sign of any other but because they were stuck in the two dressing rooms along the corridor. I also went into the locker room for men and hang the jacket on the wall. Back in the room and Chiara1 invites me to take off my shoes and socks remain in making me see that I more comfortable to wear clothes instead of jeans. I decided at that point it was useless to even get to ask too many questions because it seemed that everyone knew exactly what to do and talk to each other as if they knew. I am also leaving his shoes in the locker room and back room barefoot, with pen and notebook at that point I understand to be unnecessary: \u200b\u200bI have laid on the floor in a corner where they had piled up bags, purses and cell phones. Look in the middle of the room with the others, assuring me that my socks did not leave wet footprints behind him sweat.
We were nine in all: besides myself there were two instructors, and Alberto Chiara1, collaboration, Chiara2, two boys, one high and one low with a goatee and two girls, one of which went around with his shirt unbuttoned to show a visible neck, and another girl on the 20-year-old Rosita who actually was a real "flower" about three feet high and seventy, blond hair behind her head, big blue eyes, fair complexion and of the ways that express grace and shyness. Rosita and I were the only newcomers, all the other veterans were the edition last year.
Chiara1 started the lesson by inviting to loosen the neck muscles. Standing with arms hanging at his sides, his head began to oscillate in all directions. At this point I was certain he had misunderstood everything about that particular course. I was not sure what it was but at least I knew what was not: I threw a farewell glance at the notebook and pen on the floor, I took a good breath and I started working in his neck.
Soon after we started running around the room, first for straight lines and then by sudden differences in each direction. Other exercises for the joints that I have set my mind on my short football career, and then .... something completely different. We were divided into two groups and against the walls of the room opposite to the infant. The members of a group, one by one, had to close my eyes and walk across the room to the other group, where someone would bother to stop him before the wall. Even if the risks were virtually nil, I noticed that most people drastically slowed the pace in the mid-room. Trust is good ... etcetera, etcetera.
Other similar exercise but in pairs. In turn, you should close your eyes and be guided by the room-mate, exploring the environment through touch, touching objects, or in obedience to his silent information supplied by the pressure of hands on the shoulders or arms.
Then came the moment of visual communication. Wandering here and there from time to time by identifying the "targets" in other people and follow them for a while; walk to stop suddenly in front of someone and watch them carefully from head to foot (the only times of trouble: When I crossed Chiara2, the one with the look that also opens the cans of tuna, which made me blow up all the buttons and when I confronted Miss neckline, I understood at that time, had left nothing to chance ....). And what about Rosie? I could watch all the time but the lesson was so shy, which I imagine this would also have killed her.
The purpose of that exercise was to train the powers of observation. The instructors have chosen some of us and asked them to describe precisely each details of who had observed, was dressed, what color eyes and hair he had, if wore necklaces, earrings (and how they were made )....
Now I understood what was the course and shortly after the Chiara1 reminded everyone by exposing the project to which we had to work: a representation from a text ready (work by A. Schnitzler), but had to comply according to the contribution of each phase of testing and experimentation. "Writing Stage" was then to be understood as a construction and development stage through the actors' work.
As she finds it interesting and different experience in many aspects, including the ability to jump barefoot on the floor, touch and look into the eyes of pretty girls, interacting with people in completely different ways than we are used to practice every day and that, strangely, I seemed to look more true .... I decided not to continue the course. The My attention is directed elsewhere, for now, but someday I might try it again.
( One Saturday evening, several weeks later, I was in "square" in Rimini, that is in the local area around the old fish market. Chiara2 In the crowd I saw that he spoke with a friend. He had his usual look, but set to minimum, as to make use of the X-Men Cyclops with his ruby \u200b\u200bquartz visor. Soon after I saw Rosita even as he ran by with a friend Somewhere, but not far. And one morning, the bar, I saw a picture in the newspaper Chiara1 naked in a supermarket trolley. Forte!)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
A Slogan For Eating Healthy

was a great feast for them that year, girlfriend because their only sister, a young man with very rich.
How is therefore in Sardinia, the boyfriend had to send a gift to his bride, and then he go to spend the holiday with her family.
And the five brothers wanted to crown his sister, also to show that if the future in-law were not rich like him, in return they were strong, healthy, united together as a group of warriors.
They had sent forward his younger brother, Felle, a handsome boy of eleven years, from the large soft eyes, dressed in skins like a little woolly St. John the Baptist wore a bag on his back, and inside the bag that had just killed a pig serve for dinner. The small
country was covered with snow, the houses black, leaning against the mountain, seemed to draw on a white cardboard, and the church, over an embankment supported by stone blocks, surrounded by trees laden with snow and icicles, looked like one of those buildings fantastic clouds that form.
All was silent: the inhabitants seemed buried under the snow.
the road leading to his house, Felle found only on the snow, the footprints of a woman's foot, and enjoyed a walk on. Fingerprints ceased just before the rough wooden gate of the court that his family had shared with another family as well as pastors of them even poorer. The two huts, one on each side of the courtyard, were similar how two sisters went out the smoke from the chimneys, the little doors of light shone wires.
Felle whistled to announce his arrival: and now, near the door of a little girl appeared with his face red from the cold and his eyes sparkling with joy.
- Welcome back, Fell.
- Oh, Leah! - He cried for the greeting, and walked to the door from which, now, with the light coming out the smoke of a great fire burning in the fireplace in the middle of the kitchen.
were sitting around the hearth of the little sisters Lia, to keep the greater good of them, namely the one that came after a friend of Felle, handing them some raisin and sang a song for the occasion, which is a lullaby for the Christ child.
- What are you here? - Lia asked, touching the bag of gall. - Ah, the little pig. Even the servant of your sister's boyfriend has already led to the present. You will make great party you, - he added with a certain envy, but then he recovered and told with malicious joy: - and us! Felle
vain that the party was asked: Lia shut the door on him, and he crossed the courtyard to enter his house.
In his home he felt very festive smell: the smell of honey cake baked, and packed with sweet orange peel and toasted almonds. Felle much that he began to grind his teeth, it seemed to erode all the good things already but still hidden.
sister, tall and thin, was already dressed up, with green brocade corset and black skirt and red: around the pale face had a piece of silk flowers, and even his shoes were embroidered with a bow: it seemed in short, a young fairy, while his mother, dressed all in black for her recent widowhood, she, too, pale face and dark but with an air of pride, he could recall the figure of a witch, without the great sweetness of the eyes resembled those of gall. He drew from the bag while
the pork, because they had all red stained rind in his own blood, and after handing him over to his mother he wanted to see what a gift sent by her boyfriend. Yes, it was more roughly that of the bridegroom, almost a pig, but this brought him, more tender and free from grease, had to be more flavorful.
- What party can our neighbors, if they have a bit 'of raisins, while we have these two animaloni at home? And the cake, and sweets? - Felle thought contemptuously, still angry because Leah, after almost called, had closed the door on him.
Then came his other brothers, leading to the kitchen, before all in order and clean the fingerprints of their boots filled with snow, and their Wild smell. They were all strong, handsome, with eyes blacks, black beard, the bodice tight as a shell and, above, the mastrucca [1].
When he entered the boyfriend got up all standing next to his sister, as if to really kind of a guard around her slender figure and delicate, and not so much about the young man, who was almost still a boy, good and so, as the man who accompanied him. This man was the grandfather of her fiance. Over eighty years old, but still straight and strong, dressed in velvet and cloth as a medieval gentleman, with leggings of wool on the legs strong, the grandfather, who in his youth had fought for the independence of Italy, made the five brothers, a military salute and then seemed to pass in review.
And they were all pleased with one another.
The old was awarded the best place alongside fire, and then on his chest, between the buttons of his sparkling jacket, he also saw a small star shines as his old medal for valor. The bride, poured himself a drink, then poured himself a drink at her boyfriend and he, taking his glass, he put in his hand, secretly, a gold coin.
She thanked him with his eyes, then, secretly she too, went to see the money to his mother and all brothers, in order of age, as he carried them the full glass. The last was
Felle: Felle and tried to take her money, for fun and curiosity, of course, but she closed her fist threateningly: he gave a better eye.
The old man raised his glass, wishing health and happiness to all, and all answered in chorus.
Then they discuss in an original way: that is singing. The old poet was a good impromptu, improvised songs that, and even his older brother's girlfriend could do the same.
Among them two then sang a race in eighth, on a merry-hand arguments, and the others listened, did chorus and applauded.
Outside the bells rang, announcing the development.
was time to start preparing dinner. His mother, aided by Felle, pulled pork and two legs to put the three of them long skewers holding the handle grounding.
- The fourth aircraft carrier as a gift to our neighbors - in Fell said: - Also have the right to enjoy the party.
quite delighted, Felle taken to the leg and thigh fat nice and went out into the yard.
The night was cold but calm, and suddenly it seemed that the whole country had awakened in that amazing glow of snow, because, in addition to the sound of bells could be heard singing and shouting.
In the nearby house, but now all were silent: even the girls still seemed to be crouched around the fire were still asleep but he waits in a dream, a wonderful gift. At the entrance to
Felle were shaken, looked at the leg of pork that he would shake here and there like a censer, but did not speak: no, not the gift that was expected. Meanwhile, Lia was running down from room above: taken without the gift compliments, and questions of Felle said impatiently
- The mother feels badly and my dad went to buy a beautiful thing. Go away.
He returned pensively home. There were no mysteries or pain: it was all life, movement and joy. Never a Christmas was so beautiful, even when the father was still alive: Felle, however, he felt at the bottom a bit 'sad, thinking of the feast of the weird neighbor's house.
the third touch of the Mass, the grandfather of her boyfriend beat his stick on the stone hearth.
- Oh, boys, up in a row.
And everybody got to go to mass. Remained at home only the mother to look after the spit that ran slowly by the fire to roast the meat of the pork well.
Children, therefore, the engaged couple and the grandfather, who seemed to lead the company, went to church. The snow muffled their footsteps: muffled figures emerging from all sides, with lanterns in hand, raising around fantastic shadows and flares. They exchanged greetings, he fought at the gates closed, to call all to mass.
Felle walked as if in a dream and he was cold, and indeed the white trees, around the church, seemed almond bloom. He felt then, under her woolly clothes, warm and happy as a lamb to the May sun: his hair, that look of fresh snow, the facts seemed grass. He thought of the good things that would eat at home from saying mass in his heated house, and instead pointing out that Jesus was born in a stable cold, naked and hungry, he was like crying, covering it with his clothes, to take it home her.
Inside the church kept the illusion of spring: the altar was adorned with all branches of red fruit with strawberry, myrtle and laurel: the candles shining through the foliage and the shadow of these walls as you drew on the walls a garden.
In a chapel was built the crib, with a mountain made of cork and covered with moss: the three wise men descended from a cautious steep path, and a comet gold shone their way.
Everything was beautiful, everything was light and joy. The powerful king came down from their thrones to bring the gift of their love and their wealth to the poor son, Jesus born in a stable; the stars guided them, and the blood of Christ, who died for the happiness of mankind, it rained on shrubs and the roses did bloom, it was raining on the trees to ripen the fruit.
So her mother had taught Felle and so it was.
- Glory, glory - singing priests on the altar and the people answered
- Glory to God in the highest heaven.
And on earth peace to men of good will.
Felle sang too, and felt the joy that filled his heart was the best gift that Jesus sent him.
Leaving church felt a little 'cold, because he was always kneeling on the bare floor, but his joy did not decrease, even increased. The smell of roast that came out of the house, opened his nostrils like a hungry dog, and ran to arrive in time to help the mother to the table for dinner. But now everything was ready. The mother had laid a linen tablecloth, the floor on a mat of reeds, and other mats around. And, according to ancient custom, had set out, under the shelter of the courtyard, a meat dish and a pot of mulled wine where floating slices of orange peel, because the soul of her husband, if they ever returned to this world , had something to eat.
Felle went to see: placed the pot and the pot as high above the roof plank, because dogs do not affect them, then looked again toward the neighbor's house. You could always see light at the window, but all was silence, the father still had to be back with his mysterious gift.
Felle went into the house, and took active part in the dinner.
In the middle of the table stood a small tower, round and shiny buns that looked like ivory each of the guests from time to time he leaned forward and pulled one to himself, even the roast, cut into thick slices, was in some large trays of wood and clay: and everyone served themselves at will.
Felle, sitting next to her mother, had pulled ahead around a tray on his own, and eat more without noticing anything through the crunch of the rind of roasted pork, the speeches of the great seemed to him far away, and did not interest him anymore.
When he came to the table the yellow cake and warm like the sun, and appeared around the cakes in the shape of hearts, birds, fruit and flowers, he felt faint: he closed his eyes and leaned on his mother's shoulder. She believed that he was crying: but she laughed with pleasure.
But when he heard he had had enough and need to move, I think back to his neighbors: what ever happened to them? And the father had returned with the gift?
An invincible curiosity led him to leave again in the yard, to approach and spy. Moreover, the door was ajar: in the kitchen the girls were still around the hearth and the father, arrived late but always on time, the spit roasted leg of pork donated by neighbors.
But the gift he bought from his father, where was it?
- Come forward, and goes on to see - the man said, guessing the thought of him.
Felle entered, climbed the wooden stairs, and in the bedroom up, he saw his mother asleep in bed Leah Wood, Leah and kneel before a basket.
And inside the basket, including diapers hot, he was a newborn baby, a beautiful red baby with two curls on her temples and her eyes are already open.
- It's our first little brother - Lia muttered. - My father bought it at midnight exact, while the bells were ringing the "Gloria". His bones, therefore, not ever will separate themselves, and he finds himself intact, the Day of Judgement. This is the gift that Jesus gave us this night.
Easy Vegetable Dish For Office Holiday Dinner

that day had gone well: buying a ten to twenty selling, currency on the currency, had made a nice pile of money.
rose. Wanted them to count. Coins were in the past who knows how many hands, who knows with how much effort you earn. But those hands that toil to him and said nothing.
The merchant could not sleep. He left the house and saw people running from all sides to the same place. After all that had passed the word to attend a party.
few hands reached out to him. Some voice rose: - Brother, - shouted - do not you come?
Brother, brother to him? But what were these crazy people? He had no brothers. He was a merchant, and for him that there were customers who buys and who sells.
But where were they going?
He moved a little 'curious. He joined a group of old men and children.
Brother! Oh, sure, it would have been nice to have so many brothers! But his heart whispered that they could not be his brother. How many times had deceived them? He bought a ten- resold to twenty. And stealing the weight. And crying poverty to sell more expensive. And speculating on the needs of the poor. It never opened his hand to donate.
No, he could not be a brother to the poor people who had always exploited, deceived, betrayed.
Yet everyone walked beside him. And had come with them, at the Grotto of Bethlehem. Now he saw them enter and no one was empty-handed, even the poor had something. And he had nothing, he was rich.
He entered the cave along with others knelt with the others.
- Sir, - he said - I mistreated my brother. Forgive me.
and burst into tears.
leaning against a tree in front of the cave, the merchant continued crying, and his heart changed. At the first light of dawn
tears shone like pearls in the middle of two leaves.
was born on mistletoe.
Sample Letter Of Recommendation Psychology

Years earlier, his wife and children were dead and Martin was desperate to the point of blaming God Then one day, one of his old home village, who had become a pilgrim and had the reputation of a saint, came to see him. And Martin's opened his heart.
- I have no desire to live - the confession. - I have no hope.
The old man replied: 'Your despair is due to the fact that you live only for your happiness. Read the Gospel and know how the Lord would have you lived.
Martin bought a Bible. At first he decided to read it only on holidays, but once started reading, it felt so heartened to read it every day.
And so it happened that one evening, in the Gospel of Luke, Martin arrived at the track where a rich Pharisee invited the Lord in his house. A woman, who was a sinner, came to anoint the Lord's feet and wash them with her tears. The Lord said to the Pharisee, "See this woman? I entered your house and you gave me water for my feet. This hand with tears has washed my feet with her hair and wiped them ... You have not anointed with oil my head, this one instead, with perfumed ointment hath anointed my feet.
Martin mused. It had to be like me that Pharisee. If the Lord came to me, I should act like that? Then he laid his head on his arms and fell asleep.
Suddenly he heard a voice, and he awoke with a start. There was none. But I distinctly heard these words: - Martin! Watch out in the street tomorrow, because I will come.
Martin got up the next morning before dawn, lit the fire and prepared the cabbage soup and porridge. Then he put on his apron and sat down to work by the window. But looking back at the entry heard the night before and so, rather than working, kept looking into the street. Every time she saw someone go with shoes that did not know, looking up to see his face. He spent a porter, then a water carrier. And then an old man named Stepanuitch, who worked for a dealer in the neighborhood, began to shovel the snow in front of the window and saw that Martin continued his work.
After giving a dozen points, looked out again. Stepanuitch had supported the paddle or the wall and was resting or trying to warm up. Martin went out the door and beckoned to him. - Login · said - come and warm. You must be very cold.
- God bless you! - Stepanuitch said. He went in, shaking off the snow and rubbed well your shoes so that he staggered and nearly fell.
- It's nothing - said Martin. - Sit down and take a little 'tea.
filled two mugs and handed one to the guest. Stepanuitch drank in one gulp. It was clear that he would have liked a little more '. Martin filled his glass again. As they drank, Martin kept looking out the window.
- Are you expecting someone? - Asked the visitor.
- Last night- Martin said - I was reading about when Christ went into the house of a Pharisee that welcomed him with due honors. Suppose that something similar happens to me. What I would not do to welcome! Then, as I was napping, I heard someone whisper, "Look into the street tomorrow, for I will come." While
Stepanuitch listened, tears streaming down her cheeks. - Thanks, Martin Avdeic. You gave me comfort for the soul and body.
Stepanuitch Martin went and sat down to sew a boot. As he looked out the window, a woman with shoes peasant came by and stood next to the wall. Martin saw that it was poorly dressed and had a baby in her arms. Turning their backs to the wind, trying to repair the little with his clothes, although wearing only a ragged summer clothes. Martin went out and invited her to enter. Once home, offered her a bit 'of bread and soup. - Eat, my dear, and warmed up - he said.
eating, the woman told him who he was: - I am the wife of a soldier. They sent my husband away eight months ago and I have not heard from again. I could not find work and I had to sell everything that I had to eat. Yesterday I took the mount of the pawns my last shawl.
Martin went to get an old coat. - Here is - he said. - It's a bit 'shabby but small enough to wrap.
The woman, taking it, burst into tears. - May the Lord bless you.
- Get - Martin said, handing her the money to disengage the shawl. Then to the door.
Martin sat down and work. Each time a shadow fell on the window, looked up to see who was passing. After a while, 'he saw a woman selling destinations in a basket. Carrying a heavy bag on his back that he wanted to move from one shoulder to another. While she laid her basket on a curbstone, a guy with a torn cap came running, took an apple and tried to run away. But the old woman grabbed him by the hair. The boy screamed and the woman to scold him harshly.
Martin ran out. The woman threatened to take the boy to the police. - Let him go, mother - said Martin. - Forgive him, for the love of Christ.
The old left the boy. - Ask for forgiveness from the grandmother - then ordered him Martin.
The boy began to cry and apologize. Martin took an apple from the basket and gave the boy, saying: - I will pay you, Granny.
- mascalzoncello This deserves to be whipped - said the old woman.
- Oh, mother - said Martin - if he were to be whipped for stealing an apple, what should be done to us for all our sins? God commands us to forgive, otherwise we will not be forgiven. And above all we must forgive a thoughtless young man.
- may be true - said the old woman - but they are becoming terribly spoiled.
As he was about to get the sack on his back, The boy stepped forward. - Let me take it to you, Grandma. Do your own way.
The woman then put the sack on the boy's shoulders and walked away together.
Martin went back to work. But it grew dark and no longer able to thread the needle holes in the leather. He picked up his tools, swept away the leather scraps from the floor and put a lamp on the table. Then he took the Bible off the shelf.
wanted to open the book to the page that had marked, but instead go to another location. Then, hearing footsteps, Martin turned around. A voice whispered in his ear: - Martin, do not you recognize me?
- Who are you? - Asked Martin.
- It's me - the voice said. And from a dark corner of the room came Stepanuitch, who smiled and then vanished like a cloud.
- I am - said the voice again. It appeared the woman with the baby. He smiled. The small rise. They then disappeared.
- I am - once again the voice. The old and the guy with the apples appeared, in turn, smiled and then vanished.
Martin felt light and happy. He began to read the Gospel where it had opened the book. On top of the page read: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and I dissetaste, I was a stranger and received me. In the bottom of the page read: "As you did it to one of the least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me. So
Martin knew that the Saviour had really come to him that day and that he had heard welcome.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzule

The missing son finally returns home, the notes of the poignant soundtrack by Vangelis, but now dead: the whole film, produced better than Costa-Gavras, seems to tend toward this end, dry and without hope.
and 1982 when it produced one of the most important political films and moving: a superb cast, a director in a state of grace, a solid screenplay and a memorable soundtrack are the necessary ingredients for a must-American cinema.
The plot is very simple: a father went to South America in search of her son disappeared, and killed or arrested for political reasons.
Obviously, research is not easy and the protagonist hopes to eventually be able to hug his son, helped by a lost and bewildered Sissy Spacek in the role of wife.
to play the role of the father, a great American actor, Jack Lemmon, able to laugh-as in Some Like It Hot, considered by many the best comedy ever, and capable of high-level perfonmaces dramatic as precisely Missing . The director Costa-Gavras
began his career with the yellow kind, only to evolve and engage in political and social issues burning.
seems incredible, but it was him a few years ago to direct another film Riccardo Scamarcio fingerprint policy, Towards Eden, dedicated to the issue of immigration.
Improponibile comparison with this film, because Scamarcio nostrano cock, she melts like snow in the sun when put in comparison with international actors.
Born Blonde On Red Hair

The first was considered the new Melville (undisputed master of the polar, ie the French crime), but Corneau despite a remarkable career, however, has never reached the heights of style of the Master. He was the author of valuable polar and huge blockbusters, managing to work with (almost all) of the great interpreters of the French, by Yves Montand (one of the greatest actors / singers from beyond the Alps) with GĂ©rard Depardieu.
latter is the protagonist of the last film by Claude Chabrol, who died suddenly a week away from Corneau, and considered one of the most prolific and important filmmakers, not just French.
As the recent film, I will not speak of the plot, leaving the pleasure of discovering the persons concerned, but one thing is certain: it is a farewell to the cinema by Chabrol worthy of the best French tradition, a high-class thriller.
As a director, Chabrol has produced about fifty fifty-year career in film, Woody Allen has made maybe only better, but both have strung together an incredible array of hits, interspersed here and there with some setbacks (but who does not happen ?).
The field investigation director trans has been, since the beginning, the middle-class milieu, investigated with 'watchful eye surgery and the great anthropologist: Chabrol's bourgeois family was able to speak like no other, with stories (often criminal) very different between them, but with a common denominator, the hypocrisy and compromise that have always distinguished this class.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Conquerors Won't Run
In recent weeks I have acquired all sorts of information about courses, exhibitions, workshops, meetings, conferences and so forth, careful selection is based on my interests. Then the collected material is not that some of that available, which shows how the supply of events and cultural initiatives in our area is richer than an imagine.
a brief list of examples following brochures, booklets and flyers that I have before me:
- Open University "Giulietta Masina and Federico Fellini Rimini: Guide to Courses. Academic Year 2010/11.
- Teatro della Regina in Cattolica, Season 2010/11.
- Enveloped by writing: lab introduction to the art of autobiographical writing (edited by Anna Cecchini)
- Philosophical Incursions, coordinates Lori Falconi, philosophical counselor ( accompanied by coffee, tea and cakes, a contribution of € 5 )
- bibliotherapy: how to care (or sick) with books, second edition - conversations by the Public Library of Gambalunga Rimini.
- "Children Are Watching Us" - fourth meeting of cinema and psychoanalysis.
- course in practical philosophy: to become what it is (edited by Lori Falconi).
- "With us not become famous but you can be someone" - are looking for new volunteers (Volontarimini).
- The Age of sad passions - series of conferences organized by the Biblioteca Comunale di Misano Adriatico.
- School of Creative Writing, edited by the RablĂ .
- Theatre Workshop of the "Unstable Theatre" - Culture Department of the City of Gabicce.
- XVI Notorious Film Festival of Rimini, Tiberius at the cinema of Borgo San Giuliano.
- Review of arthouse cinema Astra Misano Adriatico, edited by the Night Effect.
- Film Series "Glimpses on the cinema" by the Catholic Circle Film Toby Dammit, at the Hall of Snaporaz Catholic.
I will certainly return and personal testimonies in the next post.
Monday, November 15, 2010
How Long Does Physiotherapy Take Frozen Shoulder
Today, particularly after the latest bloody years, we have to reinvent in order to support even the modest standard of living. In short, he who hesitates is lost. This is demonstrated by the fact that more and more small and medium hotels are closing or are transformed. Many families, after their calculations, they come to the conclusion that the management of a seasonal hotel is no longer a viable or even sufficient to meet their needs. And spring. A significant percentage of facilities that have closed in the late summer, will not reopen in the spring. In some cases there are surrounding circumstances, the children have found work elsewhere throughout the year, maybe one of those jobs with a thousand euro a month or so, but they feel more secure for the future (including the risk of developing low nervous every year). This is the current climate on the Riviera, and anyone who wants to come here to sniff would notice.
The Grand Hotel of Rimini announced that it will become seasonal hotel, rather than every year. Maintenance costs are unsustainable and, even if for a few months a year, this institution and the history of tourism in Rimini will close its doors. It 's a contingency related to the economic decision then not yet definitive. The property is hoping to return to the annual management fee as soon as possible, provided that the conditions are created. Many have complained or advanced reservations about this choice, as if the Grand Hotel, just as a symbol of Rimini and the Riviera, could not fail in His own image and to its institutional role in the city, even for a few months. On the other hand, one can not ask someone to sacrifice all just for the sake of appearances. Why wear tuxedo for dinner when served just a mess of pottage? Perhaps it is best to choose a gown, sober and clean, and put some meat into the soup.
Against those who choose to shorten the season, there are those who opt for its extension. Like those hotels which are equipped with heating / air conditioning and decide to stay open year-round, offering only the service of rooms with or without breakfast and mostly resigned to accept only the patrons of the weekend. Trade fairs and conventions are still not enough to satisfy everyone, given the high number of hotels in the area.
It 's a choice that does not always pay, especially because the river has not yet taken conviction, in the way of tourism or winter off-season. Some are content to be equal, as they say, and maybe some accapararsi customer for the following summer, someone else can not be seen in different clothes, and then to reinvent itself, even briefly, with other jobs, but someone else again yes, and adapts to do things differently. Not that you can do miracles, at least I see it, or resist is itself a small miracle.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Good Masterbation Sounds
Monday, October 11, 2010
Belleville Ontario Metalcore
Monday, October 4, 2010
How Can You Tell A Tech Deck Is Rare
"A diamond is forever ..."
A diamond is forever? ... a fuck, and costs much less. (Whisky)
"darkness is beautiful."
the dark is nice because it has no boundaries and dreams can go anywhere ... (Whisky)
"Axiom of objective truth."
Each objective truth can be split into multiple subjective truths, one unlike the others. (Whisky)
"The unavoidable and inevitable."
to marry and there is always time to die ... and only one of two things is inevitable. (Whisky)
"To write well ..." To write well, do not need to know how to write well, but have something to say. (Whisky)
"The male and porn." A man who does not watch porn is like a woman who goes shopping. (Whisky)
"A heart can not control ..." A heart can not control ... but is a whore. (Whisky)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tea Party 3rd Birthday Invitations

I can not give you that peace and silence,
dawn When you open your eyes, I'll let you
the hum of bees, the birds singing.
My offer will not be a tear shed
in your youth.
He will conceal the cruel joy of the day. More will come out fresh
your smiles.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What Does The 24 On Bottom Of Le Creuset Mean

live with criticism learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility learns to fight.
If children live with one learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement learns to have faith.
If a child lives with fairness he learns justice.
If a child lives in the availability learns to have faith.
If a child lives in the approval he learns to accept.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship he learns to find love in the world.