Years earlier, his wife and children were dead and Martin was desperate to the point of blaming God Then one day, one of his old home village, who had become a pilgrim and had the reputation of a saint, came to see him. And Martin's opened his heart.
- I have no desire to live - the confession. - I have no hope.
The old man replied: 'Your despair is due to the fact that you live only for your happiness. Read the Gospel and know how the Lord would have you lived.
Martin bought a Bible. At first he decided to read it only on holidays, but once started reading, it felt so heartened to read it every day.
And so it happened that one evening, in the Gospel of Luke, Martin arrived at the track where a rich Pharisee invited the Lord in his house. A woman, who was a sinner, came to anoint the Lord's feet and wash them with her tears. The Lord said to the Pharisee, "See this woman? I entered your house and you gave me water for my feet. This hand with tears has washed my feet with her hair and wiped them ... You have not anointed with oil my head, this one instead, with perfumed ointment hath anointed my feet.
Martin mused. It had to be like me that Pharisee. If the Lord came to me, I should act like that? Then he laid his head on his arms and fell asleep.
Suddenly he heard a voice, and he awoke with a start. There was none. But I distinctly heard these words: - Martin! Watch out in the street tomorrow, because I will come.
Martin got up the next morning before dawn, lit the fire and prepared the cabbage soup and porridge. Then he put on his apron and sat down to work by the window. But looking back at the entry heard the night before and so, rather than working, kept looking into the street. Every time she saw someone go with shoes that did not know, looking up to see his face. He spent a porter, then a water carrier. And then an old man named Stepanuitch, who worked for a dealer in the neighborhood, began to shovel the snow in front of the window and saw that Martin continued his work.
After giving a dozen points, looked out again. Stepanuitch had supported the paddle or the wall and was resting or trying to warm up. Martin went out the door and beckoned to him. - Login · said - come and warm. You must be very cold.
- God bless you! - Stepanuitch said. He went in, shaking off the snow and rubbed well your shoes so that he staggered and nearly fell.
- It's nothing - said Martin. - Sit down and take a little 'tea.
filled two mugs and handed one to the guest. Stepanuitch drank in one gulp. It was clear that he would have liked a little more '. Martin filled his glass again. As they drank, Martin kept looking out the window.
- Are you expecting someone? - Asked the visitor.
- Last night- Martin said - I was reading about when Christ went into the house of a Pharisee that welcomed him with due honors. Suppose that something similar happens to me. What I would not do to welcome! Then, as I was napping, I heard someone whisper, "Look into the street tomorrow, for I will come." While
Stepanuitch listened, tears streaming down her cheeks. - Thanks, Martin Avdeic. You gave me comfort for the soul and body.
Stepanuitch Martin went and sat down to sew a boot. As he looked out the window, a woman with shoes peasant came by and stood next to the wall. Martin saw that it was poorly dressed and had a baby in her arms. Turning their backs to the wind, trying to repair the little with his clothes, although wearing only a ragged summer clothes. Martin went out and invited her to enter. Once home, offered her a bit 'of bread and soup. - Eat, my dear, and warmed up - he said.
eating, the woman told him who he was: - I am the wife of a soldier. They sent my husband away eight months ago and I have not heard from again. I could not find work and I had to sell everything that I had to eat. Yesterday I took the mount of the pawns my last shawl.
Martin went to get an old coat. - Here is - he said. - It's a bit 'shabby but small enough to wrap.
The woman, taking it, burst into tears. - May the Lord bless you.
- Get - Martin said, handing her the money to disengage the shawl. Then to the door.
Martin sat down and work. Each time a shadow fell on the window, looked up to see who was passing. After a while, 'he saw a woman selling destinations in a basket. Carrying a heavy bag on his back that he wanted to move from one shoulder to another. While she laid her basket on a curbstone, a guy with a torn cap came running, took an apple and tried to run away. But the old woman grabbed him by the hair. The boy screamed and the woman to scold him harshly.
Martin ran out. The woman threatened to take the boy to the police. - Let him go, mother - said Martin. - Forgive him, for the love of Christ.
The old left the boy. - Ask for forgiveness from the grandmother - then ordered him Martin.
The boy began to cry and apologize. Martin took an apple from the basket and gave the boy, saying: - I will pay you, Granny.
- mascalzoncello This deserves to be whipped - said the old woman.
- Oh, mother - said Martin - if he were to be whipped for stealing an apple, what should be done to us for all our sins? God commands us to forgive, otherwise we will not be forgiven. And above all we must forgive a thoughtless young man.
- may be true - said the old woman - but they are becoming terribly spoiled.
As he was about to get the sack on his back, The boy stepped forward. - Let me take it to you, Grandma. Do your own way.
The woman then put the sack on the boy's shoulders and walked away together.
Martin went back to work. But it grew dark and no longer able to thread the needle holes in the leather. He picked up his tools, swept away the leather scraps from the floor and put a lamp on the table. Then he took the Bible off the shelf.
wanted to open the book to the page that had marked, but instead go to another location. Then, hearing footsteps, Martin turned around. A voice whispered in his ear: - Martin, do not you recognize me?
- Who are you? - Asked Martin.
- It's me - the voice said. And from a dark corner of the room came Stepanuitch, who smiled and then vanished like a cloud.
- I am - said the voice again. It appeared the woman with the baby. He smiled. The small rise. They then disappeared.
- I am - once again the voice. The old and the guy with the apples appeared, in turn, smiled and then vanished.
Martin felt light and happy. He began to read the Gospel where it had opened the book. On top of the page read: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and I dissetaste, I was a stranger and received me. In the bottom of the page read: "As you did it to one of the least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me. So
Martin knew that the Saviour had really come to him that day and that he had heard welcome.
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