Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Next Big Thing Song

Liebster Blog

A premium fell from the sky, it is appropriate to say! In this case, the blue sky of Stefan, whom I thank from my heart. Of course, the reward for those who care most pleasing a blog is the appreciation of those who follow him. In this sense, the award Liebster Blog , beyond a recognition that simply means: "I like it," has the great merit of creating a virtuous circle for the discovery of other blogs . So it around in my turn to others
- Jessica Steward ( Romephotoblog ) because when Italy I have never seemed so bad, only the eyes of a foreigner can restore some of its beauty lost.
- Contenebbia ( The Theatre of the Vampires) to look burlesque, grotesque, baroque fairy tale that a certain type of film pours on reality, however, risk being overwhelmed ....
- An expert in the field ( Occasional ) because in a country where 1 in 3 Young has consciously given up looking for an 'employment, there are still people that spring and who has plugged in their diet some "toad" in order not to abandon their vocation.


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