Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Battery For Audex Jacket

Ash Wednesday, which the liturgy is historically marked the beginning of public penance, which took place on this day of education and intensification of the catechumens, who were to be baptized at the Easter Vigil, now opens the time greeting of Quaresima.Lo community spirit of prayer, sincerity, and Christian conversion to the Lord, proclaiming the texts of Scripture, is expressed symbolically in the ritual of the ashes scattered over our heads, which we humbly submit in response to the word of God Beyond the sense that these practices have had in the history of religions, Christians take the expiatory practices in continuity with the Old Testament, as an "austere symbol" of our spiritual journey, throughout Lent, and to recognize that our bodies , formed from the dust, this will return as a sacrifice made to the God of life in union with the death of his only begotten Son. That's why on Wednesday Ash, as well as the rest of Lent, it is meaningless in itself, but brings us back to the event of the Resurrection of Jesus, we celebrate refurbished internally and with the firm hope that our bodies will be transformed as the renewal suo.Il Easter is for all of humanity proclaimed by believers in Jesus Christ, who, following the example of the divine Master, practicing fasting on the goods and the seductions of the world that presents us with the Devil to make us fall into temptation. The reduction in the nourishment of the body is an eloquent sign of the willingness of Christians to the Holy Spirit and of our solidarity with those who are waiting in the celebration of the eternal poverty and final Passover meal. Thus to renounce other pleasures and satisfactions will complete the legal framework required for the fast, making this period of grace in a prophetic announcement of a new world, reconciled with the Lord.
(from the site


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