Saturday, April 11, 2009

Adress The Brick Fredericton

If Christmas is the festival that brings together the family, meet distant relatives, who most feel the warmth of home, of family affection, sharing with those who are alone, in the poignant reminder of God's children, the other hand, is the feast of Easter joy, the explosion of nature that flourishes in the spring, but most of relief, the joy you feel like after the passing of a pain and a sorrow that created anxiety, because for us Christians this is Easter, the real proof that the Resurrection of Jesus was an empty promise, a man believed by his contemporaries as a fanatic or a teacher (Rabbi) from a number of people, including the misguided disciples. The Resurrection is the greatest demonstration of the divinity of Jesus, not one of the many miracles during his public life, for the benefit of many people who believed in him, this time it is Jesus himself, personally that is the value of suffering, common to all men, that transfigured by hope, eternal life, through the merits of the Death and Resurrection of Christ. Easter is a force, an energy of love put into the creation, which is placed as leaven in the life of men and is an incredible energy, because it feeds and sustains our hope of resurrection we too, because the members have to follow the fate of head, gives us the assurance of redemption, because Christ has freed us from sin by dying, but rising, gave us these precious assets that we had lost by sin.


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