that will begin to experience fatigue, but at times this seems like a dangerous place.
Less than two weeks ago I went to go for the usual load of shopping. I was going to get in the car when the wail of a siren to me between the upright and locked the door. They arrived an ambulance, a medical unit of resuscitation and half of the Fire Department. They stopped along the way, facing the front of our hotel. Paramedics have launched within the Fire Brigade and five fell by half and began to open doors and hatches. Passers Isono is immobilized, heads and busts have appeared on the windows and balconies. Some policemen who were passing by happened to be rushed to block the entrance in the street and divert traffic. For a moment I was overwhelmed by the instinct to run away and save the show but the crowd kept me from media out with the car. It takes very little to identify with and in fact I was already struggling with the thought: s he would have been able to touch us ... I always make him some anxiety.
A firefighter has been charged in a sort of shoulder bag metallic cables connecting to a huge bite. A colleague helped him carry it inside.
I tried to get an idea of what might have happened. I do not see smoke come out of nowhere and quell'attrezzo certainly did not need to put out fires. Some remained closed in the elevator? But then the paramedics? Maybe the elevator crashed! Over the years I have imagined all possible accidents in the elevator, and between them there was a rupture in the cables that hold up and they do travel.
Some hotel guests were seated at tables on the terrace and did not seem particularly alarmed. Perhaps the situation was not as serious human or cynicism has reached new heights.
With every passing minute of the first rumors are leaked, a hotel employee who worked in the kitchen had an arm stuck in machine mixer. My knees have stumbled. My mother, who was a few meters from me, he put a hand over her mouth to dampen a cry of horror.
Shortly after the fire brigade came out. What brought the tongs was quick to get rid of all machinery and blurted out: "What the fuck's sweaty." It has lit a cigarette now. I have not seemed good signals, I was afraid of seeing the poor thing out of his arm mangled. But un'impastatrice is not a meat grinder, unless it was so powerful that him off the hand.
The woman went out on a stretcher accompanied by paramedics. that are loaded into the ambulance. It seemed more exhausted than frightened and had a hand bruised and swollen with bruises that went back almost to the elbow. All in all fared pretty well because he has not reported a fracture after a few days and returned to work.
A firefighter has been charged in a sort of shoulder bag metallic cables connecting to a huge bite. A colleague helped him carry it inside.
I tried to get an idea of what might have happened. I do not see smoke come out of nowhere and quell'attrezzo certainly did not need to put out fires. Some remained closed in the elevator? But then the paramedics? Maybe the elevator crashed! Over the years I have imagined all possible accidents in the elevator, and between them there was a rupture in the cables that hold up and they do travel.
Some hotel guests were seated at tables on the terrace and did not seem particularly alarmed. Perhaps the situation was not as serious human or cynicism has reached new heights.
With every passing minute of the first rumors are leaked, a hotel employee who worked in the kitchen had an arm stuck in machine mixer. My knees have stumbled. My mother, who was a few meters from me, he put a hand over her mouth to dampen a cry of horror.
Shortly after the fire brigade came out. What brought the tongs was quick to get rid of all machinery and blurted out: "What the fuck's sweaty." It has lit a cigarette now. I have not seemed good signals, I was afraid of seeing the poor thing out of his arm mangled. But un'impastatrice is not a meat grinder, unless it was so powerful that him off the hand.
The woman went out on a stretcher accompanied by paramedics. that are loaded into the ambulance. It seemed more exhausted than frightened and had a hand bruised and swollen with bruises that went back almost to the elbow. All in all fared pretty well because he has not reported a fracture after a few days and returned to work.