Wednesday, March 16, 2011

20,000 Units In Insulin Syringe

The bitter taste of candy Antonio Bianchi

childhood and adolescence far from happy. A mother who dies when he is still too small, two grandparents who are looking for, in some way to fill that void, but to no avail really, an uncle who sees him as the object of his monstrous drives and a father more interested in his career and his adventures in trying to understand what lies behind the silence of the child.

It 's a man who seeks, consciously and, where possible, to resist the demon that works its way into his soul, but that will never drive away. The strange friendship that "bind" to Luke, and Don Mariano and Federico, the meetings will catapult him into a world where there are no rules or laws and, perhaps, whose only existing rule and law is the fulfillment of aberrant desires, that lead him to hope in a providential to self, his body and soul .

A clear and fluent prose that brings to address important topics, from pedophilia, which is the main theme, to bullying, prostitution, homosexuality, issues "uncomfortable" that often avoids dealing. A complaint-book, full of mythological references, historical, philosophical, biblical that make reading enjoyable, not at all boring, with understandable language and in which there twists that keep the reader's attention.

Title: The bitter taste of the sweets
Author: Antonio Bianchi
Publisher: Oxford swallow
Publication Year: 2011
Price: €.
10.00 ISBN: 9788895418353

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Where To Buy Frozen Fried Calamari

The first aid course

Call's three-year course of first aid in the workplace. " The appointment is at 15 room hotel owners association for a dive to 4 hours in the rules and techniques of first aid in case of accident or illness at the hotel. The teacher is a medical director of the Prevention of Workplace Safety Regione Marche.
Those were not available in the Emilia-Romagna? They cost more? Or you are already extinct all, having had to deal with the hotel Romagna, a particularly tough?
The fact is that the hotel is Romagna forced to concentrate on himself all sorts of job title and, like the old Bourbon kings of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. This is immediately clear from the outset, when the teacher of the course as the percentage of attendance of members and company employees.
Since all seasonal activities and family of employees do not feel even the smell, at least until Easter. So in that room there were only holding in front of the wonder of their partner, explained that employees frequently change from year to year (sometimes even from month to month, "he pointed out someone in the back rows, cause others to laugh apparently mocking but wanted to be an incantation), often then do not even understand Italian, let alone if they can be entrusted with certain responsibilities ... The hotel is

Romagna, at the same time, legal representative, director, manager, bartender, driver, porter, steward, waiter, cook, psychologist and night porter.
as if he had enough thoughts, with the entry into the European Union and the subsequent implementation with EU laws, came many other responsibilities (including, of course, those responsible for first aid and responsible for anti-fire) to mention then the costs of structural adjustment! So meetings like the one in question turn into a kind of torture psychological opens before the eyes of the hotelier doomsday scenarios in which the flames rise into the sky and the blood flows freely.
Do not be surprised therefore if, instead of following it carefully and make notes, they leave to go to a continuous chatter, to sarcastic, to comment more or less appropriate and illustration of a series so varied as to leave open-mouthed any expert. This is a defensive reaction to preserve what little sanity left. And as far as we could engage in the end there is never enough gratitude, as is clear from the experiences reported during our meeting.
a colleague about a little girl just teenager who had been left at the hotel by parents who had gone to the beach. The poor thing was caught by a violent epileptic fit and he, the owner, he immediately called 118.
"Bravo! He did very well," said the teacher of the course suddenly proud of his new students, obviously not indifferent to the matter. But it did not know the tragic outcome of that episode.
"Yes, but when the parents were able to have resented in a way that I will not say ... I have spoken to the start up and from that time never came back!" Having said that my colleague has turned a dejected look on the floor while the back row one arm was stretched to a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

He then passed the tutorial on the practice dummy half. As a reminder, it was not necessary that each participant engage in the simulation of cardiac massage.
One detail that did not know and no one before had revealed to us, is that the massage did not aim resuscitation but the stimulation of blood circulation to supply oxygen to the brain is essential. A heart in cardiac arrest can recover only through an electrical stimulus, not mechanical. Certainly it can happen that the body again from its own but if he does the massage should never be stopped, at least until the arrival of emergency intervention with a defibrillator.
When our speaker began the demonstration with the dummy on the ground far more than the rows have complained because they could not see anything, "Put it on the table!"
"but on the table is not good ..." tried to refute him.
"is the same!" He cut short the meeting.
"mica but you can not put the person on a table in case ..."
"yes, yes, but only for a better look!"
is a compromise: once on the table and a second on the floor. The test is also supported by a bystander, on behalf of all others.
The course ends and everyone goes with the same questions: I remember everything in a month? Should something like this really happen, I'll be able to cope or will I panic?
Just the thought is staggering.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mcdonald Police Scanners

Glitter Glitter ... ... Glitter ...

In my usual round in the network, I came across a wonderful space, full of glitter images that, despite the uncertain days, they put me on a feeling of happiness ...
... I forgot .... the site from which I took these pictures is: